- General corporate (Consultation regarding procedures necessary for board of directors' meetings and shareholders meetings, and other necessary procedures required under the Companies Act; Drafting and reviewing of various agreements; Commercial registration; Insider trading regulations; Legal troubles; Conflict prevention, etc.)
- M&A/ Corporate restructuring
- Private Equity/ Venture Capital
- Antitrust
- Environmental law
- General advice on restructuring through voluntary liquidation, including voluntary restructuring through Small & Medium Size Business Rehabilitation Support Co-operative, Turnaround ADR Restructuring, Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan, etc.
- Pleading for civil rehabilitation and corporate reorganization procedures and assisting of such procedures
- Pleading for bankruptcy/ special liquidation and assisting of such procedures, etc.
- Advice on how to deal with business partners and assistance on collection of claim, etc. during voluntary liquidation/legal liquidation
- Intellectual property transaction (including drafting and reviewing of license agreement)
- Trademark application
- Entertainment business related matters
- Internet, media, IT, web related matters
- Matters relating to Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations
- Intellectual property rights related litigation (Demand of injunction, claim for damage, etc.)
- Advice on human resources and labor issues
- Advice on individual labor disputes (Litigation, labor tribunal, mediation by Dispute Coordinating Committees, negotiation between attorneys, etc.)
- Advice on collective labor disputes (Collective bargaining, pleading for unfair labor practice, etc.)
- Drafting and revising regulations such as rules of employment
- International transactions in general
- Various Agreements related matters
- Legal support to companies expanding their operations overseas
- Corporate Governance
- Internal control/ Compliance
- Handling of whistle-blowing
- Personal information protection related advice
- Corporate crisis management/scandal handling
- Financial-related advice in general
- Regulation by financial-related bills
- Derivatives-related advice
- Tax-related advice
- Tax suits
- Civil lawsuit, Administrative lawsuit
- Civil preservation, Compulsory execution, etc.
- Commercial disputes such as shareholders’ derivative lawsuits
- International disputes
- Marriage, Divorce, Custody cases
- Inheritance
- Real estate related issues such as land and building leases, neighboring relationships (boundaries, etc.)
- Labor Law (Employee’s side)
- Internet related matters (User’s side)
- Traffic accidents
- Consumer law
- Adult guardianship
- Product liability
- Defamation